“Everything you ever wanted to know about yourself can be learnt in under 12 hours. The only trick is that it must be on the Comrades route, on foot.
The weeks following Comrades are some of my favourite: the panic and paranoia are over and you can reflect on the months that have been. The race itself is the end of a journey spanning many months.
Standing on the start line means that you made it to the final. The fact that you can stand on the start line is a massive accomplishment. It says so much about your commitment, dedication, and your ability to do hard things over an extended period.
I have learnt so much about the workings of the human mind, it fascinates me. Comrades is roughly 30% physical and 70% mental. I believe that most people have the physical ability to run Comrades; it’s your mind that you must convince.
I worked hard on my mental preparation, I asked myself again and again, when my body is feeling more sore than it even had before and everything in me wants to stop, how am I going to respond? I will choose to continue.
I practise my response over and over. I imagine the feeling of pain and discomfort and choosing to continue anyway. Then, when that time comes, I already know how I am going to respond and I do it, just like I practised.
I loved standing on the start line knowing that there were 15000 reasons WHY. Each journey is unique, the road is the same. Along that road it does not matter what job you do, how much you earn, who your family is or where you were born, these things all become equal on Comrades day.
All that is known about your fellow runner is their Comrades CV, which is proudly displayed to all on your race bib.
There was a time during the race where I thought I may not do this again. It is hard, so very, very hard, but the reward is so very great. Knowing that I can do hard things, learning things about myself that I could learn no other way.
I know that I will continue participating in this great race until I can feel satisfied watching others make this journey and feel no regret, I’m not there yet.”
The winner of this month’s Mr Price Sport voucher is Alison Smith.