“My Comrades story started way back before Covid...when I entered all geared up, trained up and ready to take on the beast of all road races. It was going to be my very first one and I was amped.

But then Covid hit and the race was cancelled. A let down but it was life telling me to be patient, my time will come. Unfortunately, it didn't for a few years. Injury and life happening kept me from entering again until 2024. This was going to be my year where I would tackle the beast.

Running for years didn't mean I was ready. It took months of dedicated training and commitment. Sacrifice and determination. The start line awaited and on 9 June 2024, I was ready. Amped, I stood on that starting line. We were in the thousands. But we were one in running.

As the national anthem was played, proudly South African we stood and humbled by this beast of road running we were about to take on. The gun went and I was off.

A sea of runners behind, in front and alongside me. I reminded myself to stay focused as I had trained for whatever was to come. Remembering the Comrades Legends – Bruce, Elena and others humbled me.

Just knowing I was running the Comrades felt surreal. I was in the zone. The kilometre boards passed by. I didn't focus on what was left, I just ran. The gees was phenomenal, the weather perfect. There were supporters, runners, lovers, family...everyone was part of it!

I saw the kilometres reduce and I was suddenly at 50km. Hubby met up with me along the route. I was all smiles, feeling motivated. “Finish this Muneeba, you can do it,” I told myself silently.

I felt unwell, nausea set in but I was not giving up. 60km and then 70km. Wow. Still the sea of runners were moving. I was part of it and not alone. 16km to go!
Runners checked in on me. “Was I ok? Did I need anything?” Wow, the camaraderie was unbelievable. I was in awe and humbled. The sun was setting. With 3km to go, I was nearly there. I could hear the crowds but it was muffled.

All I heard was my own voice telling me, “You've done this Muneeba. Finish it. Get your medal.” 11:38 I was done. Comrades, you beast. I conquered you. You humbled me....but I conquered you. See you in 2025.”

The winner of this month’s Mr Price Sport voucher is Muneeba Abrahams.