“Growing up in KZN, the Comrades Marathon is a big deal for us as it is one of the most anticipated sporting events in our province and holds its status as being one of the most sought-after tests when it comes to ultra-marathons globally.
In a typical KZN family setting, my family would be up early on race day just to watch this race, from start to finish, on the television. We would always be looking out for friends and family who may be participating.
In 2019, while watching the big race on TV, I said to my dad, "I think I could do this." His response was simply, "Then maybe you should stop talking and do it!"
I began to train that year, later joining a running club, entering a few marathons and working really hard in trying to achieve this goal I set out to do.
This came with several sacrifices, countless hours on the road and the many disappointments a runner faces on this journey. I entered Comrades 2020, thereafter qualified and was ready to take on The Ultimate Human Race.
Then came Covid and everything changed. Comrades was cancelled that year, which was a bit disappointing but my Dad passing away during the first wave of Covid was the toughest.
He was not going to see me achieve this goal we shared. That was a very difficult time for my family, but if anything, it made me want to go harder at this and be ready for the next Comrades Marathon.
The year was 2022 and I was participating in the Comrades Marathon like I'd set out to do pre-Covid. Even though Dad's not around anymore, he was there that day.
We did it Dad!
What's next? To the start line 2023!
Thank you Comrades Marathon for inspiring us to go beyond our wildest imagination and achieve so much.”
The winner of this month’s Mr Price Sport voucher is Ruwen Pillay.